The bald eagle has been the national emblem of the United States since June 20, 1782 when the Continental Congress adopted the design for the Great Seal of the United States depicting a bald eagle grasping 13 arrows and an olive branch with its talons. The bald eagle has been a spiritual symbol...
Continue readingThere are four species of puffins in the world: Atlantic; horned; tufted; and the rhinoceros auklet. Only the Atlantic puffin is found in the North Atlantic Ocean and is the smallest of the species; the other three puffins are found in the Pacific Ocean. All puffins have a lifespan of 20 years o...
Continue readingLooking like wide-eyed clowns, acorn woodpeckers live in large groups in oak woodlands. I saw my first one during a recent trip to Costa Rica in February this year. Their social lives are endlessly fascinating as they store literally thousands of acorns each year by jamming them into specially m...
Continue readingThe little fur ball climbed up my chest and snatched away my heart.
My friend Gautam got a call from the Forest Service that a leopard cub had been found in the tea gardens off Margherita, Upper Assam in India and needed to be released. Since he worked with the wildlife in Kaziranga, his advic...
Continue readingVacations are a great way to get away and de-stress. However, I often find myself stressing even more. With only a limited amount of time, I’m always worried about getting the shot. Where are the best locations? When and where does the sun set and/or rise? How can I best secure my equipment i...
Continue readingImagine nearly 20,000 tons of northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris), stretched cheek to jowl on a 10 km (6 mile) stretch of beach. That’s what I saw during the breeding season at Piedras Blancas, on the central California coast, early last year. Each adult male seal weighs up to 22...
Continue readingI’m often amazed at just how much subconscious thought and planning goes into the creation of a “simple” photograph.
Continue readingAlthough I’m not an astrophotography expert, I recently posted this image under the landscapes image forum on NatureScapes.Net and was asked to describe how the image was created. As I sat down to write, I realized a little more depth on my experience would best convey how I stumbled through...
Continue readingI grew up in the outdoors and my dad encouraged me to listen to the birds, to see the trees and to feel the water. I also was brought up to respect all nature and that it’s improper to litter.
Continue readingPeregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) is for me, one of the most fascinating and exciting subjects in the world of bird photography.
The sheer speed of this bird, coupled with its immense power, sublime elegance and astonishing beauty make the peregrine the king of birds.
I have been fortuna...
Continue readingI think it is fair to say that most people have been—at one time or another—fascinated with the moon in the sky above. And of course, as a photographer there’s a good chance you’ve considered including the moon in a photograph from time to time. Along the way, perhaps you’ve experience...
Continue readingAs a nature photographer, I share the philosophy of Ofer Levy, who has written articles on this website, and spend time photographing subjects providing action or interesting behavior. The latter aspect is brilliantly exemplified by the courting activities of bowerbirds. In Part 1, I revealed...
Continue readingAs a nature photographer, I share the philosophy of Ofer Levy, who has written articles on this website, and spend time photographing subjects providing action or interesting behavior. The latter aspect is brilliantly exemplified by the courting activities of bowerbirds.
The bowerbirds are a m...
Continue readingFor more than 30 years, I’ve photographed birds and other wildlife. Recently, I’ve put most of my efforts into capturing images of birds and other wildlife depicting their behavior. It’s not easy, but not beyond the reach of those who dedicate the required time and effort. The digital revo...
Continue readingDisclaimer: I am not a professional underwater photographer. Like most of you, I have seen incredible underwater photography and wondered how in the world pros create such astonishing images. I am, however, a professional photojournalist (currently specializing in editorial, weddings, corporate...
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