Nature Photographer, George Forrest, specializes in photographing "Birds of The Everglades & Their Prey". When asked, "why that specility?" he explained that he wanted his work to be different than most nature photographers, and believed predators with prey could make an interesting, if not unique, exhibit. (Note: He has exhibited his images as far south as Everglades National Park to Grassy Waters Perserve, in northern Palm Beach County.)
To acquire the images he was after, he spent over 3000 hours in the Florida Everglades in a three year period. When asked, "what was your most interesting experience in your quest for birds capturing prey?" He replied, "There were actually two, one was witnessing and photographing a nine foot alligator catch an adult great blue heron and the other was being in a canoe alone in water that was literally crawling with alligators during mating season and being tipped over by one. George explained, he is convinced (now) it was unintentional on the part of the alligator, which rose from the bottom under the canoe flipping it over. Other than loosing his equipment and getting a genuine scare he feels he got off real easy. Clients include the Walt Disney Co. which leased ten of his images, two from the alligator/great blue heron incident. His images have appeared in, Florida Wildlife, Nature Photographer, Boy's Life, Outdoor & Nature Photography, & Birder's World. Articles with images have appeared in Florida Wildlife and Nature Photographer.