My images have been published by the following sources
and others:
National/International Wildlife - Cover
Ranger Rick
Your Big Backyard - Cover
National Wildlife Federation books
Audubon Birds Page-A-Day Desk Calendars
Audubon Songbirds Wall Calendars - 2010, 2012 Cover
Audubon Birds Calendar
Audubon Wildflower Wall Calendars - Cover
Audubon Nature Wall Calendars
Audubon Butterfly Wall Calendars
Audubon Desk Calendars
Audubon books
Audubon bird guide books
Sierra Club Desk Calendar
Starwood Publishing Calendars
Birder's World Magazine
Mother Earth News Magazine
Kodak Desk Calendars
Wild Discovery book for Discovery Communications, Inc.
The Nature Conservancy Calendar
Stokes Nature Company books - Cover
Defenders of Wildlife
American Forests magazine
Textbooks that include those published by McGraw Hill Higher Education, Wm. C. Brown Publishers, Houghton Mifflin Company and Harcourt School Publishers.