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Processing problem

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 4:03 am
by David Osborn
David Osborn FRPS;

Ive always been a little critical over the addition of the video facility in to DSLR's, never really seeing the need to have it, but of late I've changed my mind a little and I'm of the opinion if it's there I might as well try and use it and over the past few months I've recorded a few 'clips'.
Now's the time to do something with them.
I'm very much ignorant of what the requirements are and of the general terminology but I think I've set everything up in camera correctly and I've managed to upload and do some basic editing and processing in CS6 and am ready to render the clip.
That's where the problem starts and hopefully someone can explain or solve this problem for me.
Firstly I've been looking at sending clips to picture libraries who seem to prefer .MOV files for their uploads - It also seems that as a default CS6 only offers rendering to mp4 files. Is there anyway to save as a .MOV file? There doesn't appear to be the option anywhere in CS6? or do I need some alternate software?
My main problem however is the following:
I have managed to do a couple of nice clips which I've started to send to the libraries but after their download i keep getting told that the clips aspect was 0.562 and that the minimum requirement is 1.25, which means absolutely nothing to me.
I'm guessing I'm doing something wrong or haven't got the correct settings somewhere. I've looked through on the internet/ google etc and I've spoken with the picture library but still am no further forward.
Please help!! Could someone explain and/ or offer a solution please. 
I'm recording with a Canon 5D3 and processing with CS6 standard.
Hope someone can help.
Best regards

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 5:57 pm
by dbolt

Sorry for the late reply. I'm far from knowledgeable about video. I'm also using a 5DM3 to capture the clips. I've also use PS to render clips to MP4 files but I follow up with Marcalli (the cheap one) to add some stabilization to my shaky hands. It will allow you to save the stabilized file in several formats. I usually select WMV, which will permit the clips to play on most devices.

Sorry, I'm in the same "dark" spot regarding the meaning and/or significance of minimum aspect. I've not seen the issue when uploading to Smugmug and elsewhere.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 6:08 pm
by David Osborn
Hi Douglas,
Thanks for taking the time to respond.
I'll be sure to check out Marcalli, although I confess to never having heard of it.
I'm really no further forward on this matter and can't believe that the question has had 2374 hits but no positive responses, in fact no responses till now.
Thanks again.