Hmmm, it just feels wrong!

Posted by Danny Young on Mon Apr 03, 2023 3:55 am

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I've only altered two bird shots and something just doesn't feel right about it. I'm not worried too much about the work, but it's that feel. For some reason it's just wrong, hard to explain it so maybe it's just a me thing. Probably altering bird shots I just can't do mentally and yet, floral or macro shots I have no issues with. Strange huh  :)  Maybe it's not altered enough for my taste for this type of work.

Anyway. Just the one Kingfisher in this, the same one coming in and then taking off. So a simple copy and paste from the one taking off into the coming in shot. Then a flood effect added to the bottom to cover up the sand, softened and blended into the background for a smooth graduation effect.  

All the best and I still don't like it  :shock:

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by Cynthia Crawford on Mon Apr 03, 2023 5:59 am
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Hmmm. The birds don't look altered as such, just moved around. Beautiful shots-I can see why you wouldn't want to do anything to the birds themselves. Otherwise a convincing combination. Somehow I want the flying bird to be closer to the other one, or have more room in front of it. Just a fussy bit.
I don't think this kind of work has to always be crazy and wild, so I do find this very admirable. :)
Cynthia (Cindy) Crawford-Moderator, Photo & Digital Art
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by Carol Clarke on Mon Apr 03, 2023 7:56 am
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Cynthia Crawford wrote: Hmmm. The birds don't look altered as such, just moved around. Beautiful shots-I can see why you wouldn't want to do anything to the birds themselves. Otherwise a convincing combination. Somehow I want the flying bird to be closer to the other one, or have more room in front of it. Just a fussy bit.
I don't think this kind of work has to always be crazy and wild, so I do find this very admirable. :)

Cindy  makes very good points - as always! 

The only other thing I might try (probably you already did) would be to flip the right side bird so it was approaching and trying for the same perch? Or even flip both birds so they are facing each other towards the centre of the frame?  Several different possibilities!   Other than that, I agree it is very convincing.  8)

Carol Clarke
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by david fletcher on Mon Apr 03, 2023 12:41 pm
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Your PS skills go way beyond mine and are to be congratulated and admired. Equally so are your ethics. Like the suggestions, and as an odd thought, your "quote" Danny. Nice work!
David Fletcher   Moderator.   Birds, Photo & Digital Art

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by Danny Young on Mon Apr 03, 2023 4:30 pm
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Hey thanks folks. All points taken in and yes, it could well be set out better looking at it now. Not going to happen though. It's only the second time I've posted it and the first was about 5-6 years ago, so I really don't like it. I don't mind with other subjects, but birds just doesn't work for me, just a head thing. I might try something totally different with what I've got saved as different format, but it needs to be totally different than this!

It probably comes down to what David was saying about ethics, it certainly feels like it thinking about it.

All the best and thanks folks, appreciated.

by Carol Clarke on Mon Apr 03, 2023 5:18 pm
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Danny Young wrote: Hey thanks folks. All points taken in and yes, it could well be set out better looking at it now. Not going to happen though. It's only the second time I've posted it and the first was about 5-6 years ago, so I really don't like it. I don't mind with other subjects, but birds just doesn't work for me, just a head thing. I might try something totally different with what I've got saved as different format, but it needs to be totally different than this!

It probably comes down to what David was saying about ethics, it certainly feels like it thinking about it.

All the best and thanks folks, appreciated.

Hey, remember Danny, what we do in Photo and Digital Art doesn't affect your ethics, or ours.  These aren't for posting in the Birds Gallery - that isn't allowed.  We know that flights of fancy are for P & D A only and it is a great way of escaping from the daily realities once in a while.  So please never feel uncomfortable with creating art from nature, even if it involves an illusion of reality - as long as you share it with us here in this gallery.  :)   Pretty Please............

Carol Clarke
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by Danny Young on Mon Apr 03, 2023 7:00 pm
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Carol Clarke wrote:
Danny Young wrote: Hey thanks folks. All points taken in and yes, it could well be set out better looking at it now. Not going to happen though. It's only the second time I've posted it and the first was about 5-6 years ago, so I really don't like it. I don't mind with other subjects, but birds just doesn't work for me, just a head thing. I might try something totally different with what I've got saved as different format, but it needs to be totally different than this!

It probably comes down to what David was saying about ethics, it certainly feels like it thinking about it.

All the best and thanks folks, appreciated.

Hey, remember Danny, what we do in Photo and Digital Art doesn't affect your ethics, or ours.  These aren't for posting in the Birds Gallery - that isn't allowed.  We know that flights of fancy are for P & D A only and it is a great way of escaping from the daily realities once in a while.  So please never feel uncomfortable with creating art from nature, even if it involves an illusion of reality - as long as you share it with us here in this gallery.  :)   Pretty Please............

Point taken and looking at it, I know what it is now, I was trying to make it look real and my head says, no mate, that didn't exist. It's not real and that's why i don't really want it posted. That's what it is m8tess.

So yeah, play with images for what we want, not for what looks real or trying to because that never works.  :D

by Axel Hildebrandt on Mon Apr 03, 2023 10:02 pm
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Maybe you would like it better if there were more poses combined in one image to have more continuity.
Axel Hildebrandt

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