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by MalcolmBenn on Sun Jan 12, 2025 8:53 am
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I just started watching this YouTube video on Canon AF and it looks interesting ... hopefully it will explain a few things about the R1's  AF I find confusing.
Malcolm Benn

by bryantjl on Wed Jan 22, 2025 1:48 am
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Malcolm, I had watched this about two weeks ago. It is probably the best photographic video I have watched on YouTube. I have been a life long Canon shooter and have owned every Series 1 camera from the beginning of the digital age, and I certainly learned a thing or two. Whilst the video is just over 3 hours, it seemed to be fleeting. Also, great to have Rudy Winston back with Canon.

by MalcolmBenn on Wed Jan 22, 2025 8:48 pm
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bryantjl wrote: Malcolm, I had watched this about two weeks ago. It is probably the best photographic video I have watched on YouTube. I have been a life long Canon shooter and have owned every Series 1 camera from the beginning of the digital age, and I certainly learned a thing or two. Whilst the video is just over 3 hours, it seemed to be fleeting. Also, great to have Rudy Winston back with Canon.
Hi John, yes whist it was a bit long it did go by fairly quickly and it was very informative.  I've watched every video on the R1 I could find.  This is only my second 1 Series body, the other is the 1DMIV that I've owned for 15 years.  I kept it but sold the other bodies I had accumulated.  The R1 is certainly the most complex and capable camera I've ever used.  The capability of the camera is outstanding and the ability to reprogram functionality to different buttons is amazing.  I just wish there was a way to move the light metering functionality to a button on the right side of the camera so I could switch between spot and evaluative more readily, I find it awkward with the button on the left side. 
Malcolm Benn

by bryantjl on Thu Jan 23, 2025 12:56 am
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I find the best way to change the light metering mode, especially if you only use spot and evaluative is to first disable all other metering modes. When you press the AF point button (most right hand side button) with right thumb and then press the M-Fn button (use right index finger) and that will alternate between spot and evaluative. It is two button pushes but you don’t have to fiddle around at all on the left side.I am still deciding on an upgrade. I currently have two R5’s and an R3. I find the R3 an amazing camera so am tending toward an R1 rather than an R5m2.

by MalcolmBenn on Thu Jan 23, 2025 2:44 pm
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bryantjl wrote: I find the best way to change the light metering mode, especially if you only use spot and evaluative is to first disable all other metering modes. When you press the AF point button (most right hand side button) with right thumb and then press the M-Fn button (use right index finger) and that will alternate between spot and evaluative. It is two button pushes but you don’t have to fiddle around at all on the left side.I am still deciding on an upgrade. I currently have two R5’s and an R3. I find the R3 an amazing camera so am tending toward an R1 rather than an R5m2.
lol thank John, You are absolutely correct and now I realize why I couldn't find this before.....I disabled the two step functionality of M-Fn1 and set it to Drive Mode.  With the exception of the Shutter button which I still have doing the metering, focusing and shutter actuation (clearly I am both old school and just plain old) all other buttons are single functionality.  That is a good idea to limit the Metering Modes to only those I use so I did make that change. There are two guys on Youtube with R1's that are a good source of info ... Lee Scott Photography and Whistling Wings Photography. 
Malcolm Benn

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