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by Chris Kayler on Sun Nov 09, 2008 9:33 am
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Hi everyone,

I'm researching tripods for backpacking use. In general, the lighter and shorter they fold down, the better. However, decent stability is still wanted.

The maximum load on either of these would be a 5Dmk2 + 70-200 f/4 + filters, and maybe a flash.

Anyways, has anyone had any experience with these tripods? And ... (the gitzo site isnt the best for finding out differences) ... what ARE the differences between the 1541 and the 1541T? From what I can tell, the 1541T is a good 10 inches shorter at its maximum heights, and 5 inches shorter at its minimum height. Is this simply an effect of the 1541T being shorter (made for "traveling"), or are there other differences going on here that I don't know about? And ... do both of these tripods come with a bubble level up top? Are any Gitzo tripods NOT coming with a bubble level these days?

Any other info or experiences with these two tripods would be greatly appreciated ... as well as perhaps advice on other Gitzo carbon fiber tripods (that you think are ideal for backpacking) that you have used with success.

EDIT: I'm now looking at the 0541 tripod. Just replace all mention of 1541 with 0541!


Last edited by Chris Kayler on Sun Nov 09, 2008 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

by Chris Klapheke on Sun Nov 09, 2008 3:49 pm
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You have mentioned the main differences in these tripods in that the Traveler is made shorter for portability.

One other main difference is how the legs are attached. The 1541 legs are attached in the traditional manner to a ring that holds the center column. The 1541T legs are attached to that ring in a way that will let them fold back "on themselves" to get an even shorter collapsed length.

The diagram on the product page will give you a better look than my description.

Both come with the new Safe-Lock plate, but neither have a bubble level.

Hope this helps!
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by Chris Kayler on Sun Nov 09, 2008 6:17 pm
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Thanks for the info Chris.

Can the 1541T base plate be replaced w/ one without a center colum and still maintain it's special folding feature? Can the 1541 base plater be replaced by one without a center column? Any ideas as to how much weight this would knock off the tripod? And ... where can replacement baseplates be obtained? I seem to rememeber Kirk ... but I'm not sure. Any ideas?

Also ... not having the bubble level is a huge downer ... why would Gitzo do that? DOH. Using only the panning base of a RRS BH-40 ballhead, is there any way to easily make panos w/o the bubble level in the tripod? How would you go about leveling the tripod legs?


by Tsmith on Sun Nov 09, 2008 8:29 pm
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That tripod should work nicely with that camera & lens combo. I have the slightly smaller Gitzo GT0530\Markins Q3 ballhead and it handled my 40D and 70-200 f/4L setup just fine as it does the 50D now. Its a very lite weight setup making it great for strapping on my Gregory Z30 backpacks hiking pole straps.
- Toney

by Chris Kayler on Sun Nov 09, 2008 9:52 pm
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Toney, that tripod looks really nice. After checking out the specs of the 0541, I believe I will go with that instead! Do you find the height adequate? Do you find the center column stable?

Some new questions. Is there a bubble level on the base plate of the 0541? I'm guessing not ... and if not, how are you guys leveling your tripod (If at all)? Also ... I now know Kirk makes base plate replacements for other tripods, but apparently not the 0 series. Is this true? Do any other manufacturers make base plate replacements for the 0 series?


by Chris Kayler on Sun Nov 09, 2008 10:32 pm
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Another one ... what features do the newer "0541" add over the "0540"? What do these features do?

by Tsmith on Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:11 pm
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Chris the height is fine for me being 5'-11". Most of the time I find myself using it at around half extended but on occasion have used it with the center column fully adjusted, its surprisingly stable for such a lite setup but don't plan on using anything like a 300 f/2.8 with with it. I went with the 03 series for the 3 leg section design, offers a little more stability than the 4 leg sections in my opinion.

The clamping plate on the Markins Q3 has a bubble and I also use one of the Hot Shoe Bubble Levels. Gitzo makes a ground level kit for this tripod too but not sure as where to order it from.
- Toney

by Kari Post on Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:36 pm
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Toney, thanks for sharing the photos. I have been interested in the GT05series but haven't seen them at all. Your photos help put the size in perspective for me.
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by Chris Klapheke on Mon Nov 10, 2008 11:06 am
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According to the Gitzo website, the plate on the 1541, 1541T and 0541 can be unscrewed from the center column and attached directly to the tripod. No need for the Kirk plate any more.

BTW we picked up the 0541 and 0531 for the store and they should be here soon.
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by Tsmith on Mon Nov 10, 2008 12:29 pm
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The plate can be unscrewed on my GT0530 also.
- Toney

by Chris Kayler on Mon Nov 10, 2008 2:07 pm
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Awesome news, thanks!

Any ideas as far as leveling the tripod?

by Kari Post on Mon Nov 10, 2008 6:17 pm
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Glad to see you picked up the 0541 and 0531 for the NSN store. I often wondered why NSN didn't carry them. Any idea as to when they will arrive? And any idea as to when they'll be on sale? ;)
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by Tom Whelan on Mon Nov 10, 2008 11:48 pm
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Another possibility is the basalt GT1940C (discontinued, but still in stock in places). A bit cheaper than the carbon 0531 and holds more weight. Height is 48 in, collapsed 17 in, capacity 15lbs.

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by Chris Kayler on Tue Nov 11, 2008 12:03 pm
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Hi Tom,

Thanks for the suggestions. As this will be used for backpacking, weight is a big consideration. Since the 0541 is a pound lighter than the basalt, I'm ruling that one out. Thanks for the idea though ... weight aside, that tripod has a great mix of capacity, folded length, and height.

by Murali on Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:58 pm
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I just got the Gitzo 1541T and I luv it. its compact and it handles a D300 with the 24-70 lens quite well. gr8 for long hikes. as I travel to Europe quite frequently it fits nicely in my rollon carry on.

with the 25% discount offered by live.com, i got ite for $397.50. cant beat the price for a brand new carbon fiber Gitzo.

by formula4speed on Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:28 pm
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I recently picked up the 0531 and like it a lot so far. It's not very tall but it's so light and folds up so nicely I don't really have any excuses for leaving a tripod at home anymore, they are just so much more useful when you actually have them with you :)
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by Paul Burgess on Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:56 pm
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Murali wrote: with the 25% discount offered by live.com, i got ite for $397.50. cant beat the price for a brand new carbon fiber Gitzo.
Would you mind giving some more info on this? How does one go about getting this discount?
Happy shooting and God bless,

by Murali on Tue Nov 11, 2008 9:48 pm
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Paul Burgess wrote:
Murali wrote: with the 25% discount offered by live.com, i got ite for $397.50. cant beat the price for a brand new carbon fiber Gitzo.
Would you mind giving some more info on this? How does one go about getting this discount?

https://cashbackaccount.search.live.com ... k/FAQ.aspx has the details. u need to have a Live ID (e.g. hotmail or MSN email address).

Kirk Photo sells lot of their products on ebay and when u buy from them, u get a 25% discount. i just did a quick check & u get $108 off on a King Cobra listed @ $435.

Limitations: max discount $200/purchase and $2500/year. Discounts seem to change from time to time. I got a 24-85 f2.8-4 Nikkor & a SB-900 flash at 30% discount a month ago but current discount is 25%.

A guy in Microsoft has written a tutorial on this and if u want it, PM me and I'll try to locate it and email it to u.

Full disclosure: I work for Microsoft :-).

by Paul Burgess on Wed Nov 12, 2008 6:27 am
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Murali wrote:
Paul Burgess wrote:
Murali wrote: with the 25% discount offered by live.com, i got ite for $397.50. cant beat the price for a brand new carbon fiber Gitzo.
Would you mind giving some more info on this? How does one go about getting this discount?

https://cashbackaccount.search.live.com ... k/FAQ.aspx has the details. u need to have a Live ID (e.g. hotmail or MSN email address).

Kirk Photo sells lot of their products on ebay and when u buy from them, u get a 25% discount. i just did a quick check & u get $108 off on a King Cobra listed @ $435.

Limitations: max discount $200/purchase and $2500/year. Discounts seem to change from time to time. I got a 24-85 f2.8-4 Nikkor & a SB-900 flash at 30% discount a month ago but current discount is 25%.

A guy in Microsoft has written a tutorial on this and if u want it, PM me and I'll try to locate it and email it to u.

Full disclosure: I work for Microsoft :-).
Thanks for the info. The problem is, it's only for USA residents, and I live in Canada.:cry: Oh, well.
Happy shooting and God bless,

by foxbat on Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:33 am
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Tsmith wrote:Gitzo makes a ground level kit for this tripod too but not sure as where to order it from.
On the 0530 you don't buy anything, you just reassemble the center column parts. This is how I use it most often as I really dislike center columns.
GROUND LEVEL SET This new feature allows you to remove the center column to save weight and get the camera closer to the ground. Uses existing components: the upper disc with reversible 1/4 - 3/8 bolt and the column hook assembly: Remove column and fix the disk directly to the upper casting using the column hook. No tools needed.
Andy Brown, south-east England.

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