About the Author

Steve is a Wildlife Research Biologist (retired) who studied a variety of birds for 35 years in Minnesota and Antarctica. He has had a lifelong interest in nature photography which really blossomed with the advent of quality digital camera gear. Because of his broad biological interests, he does not specialize in any one area of nature photography and often finds the most interesting subject to be the one currently in front of his lens. Though not an avid marketer, Steve has published images in books, magazines, calendars, and informational reports, brochures, posters, and kiosks. He is currently a moderator in the macro forum of another photo-sharing and critiquing website. More of Steve’s lightbox photos can be seen on his Flickr page.

A Portable Lightbox Studio for Macro
by Steve Maxson | July 29, 2014

© Steve MaxsonAlthough I spent my career working with birds and really enjoy bird photography, I have been fascinated by insects and other arthropods from an early age. The seemingly endless number of species, the astonishing life histories and behaviors, and the incredible mimicry that some species have evol...

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