Paid Membership Benefits

Paid members receive a variety of benefits for helping to support our growing nature photography community.

Membership Rates Individual Account $40/year | $300/lifetime Joint Account $65/year | $500/lifetime
To upgrade to paid membership you must first create a free account to register for the forums. If you already have an account you may upgrade and purchase your membership in our store.
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Image Upload Service with Hosting

The image upload service is where images can be easily uploaded to the NatureScapes.Net server for hosting to display in the image critique forums. For information on how to post an image when creating a new topic please see the Image Upload Service Tutorial.

NatureScapes.Net Classifieds Forum Listings

Anyone can view and respond to NatureScapes.Net classifieds listings, but only paid members can post listings. Visit the classifieds forum » Workshops and Events Forum Listings

Anyone can view and respond to NatureScapes.Net workshops and other events listings, but only paid members can post listings. Visit the workshops and other events forum »

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