About the Author

Iain started his life in Australia as a fanatical birder. He ended his career as a geochemist in West Africa when he decided that watching birds was indeed far more important than gold. He moved to Ecuador, started Tandayapa Bird Lodge and Tropical Birding and spent his time guiding people around the world. Few years ago listing species started to wear thin and he became more interested in chasing down individual rare species and getting photographs of them. He now guides bird and wildlife photographers around the world to shoot the world’s coolest species.

Creating a Modern Photographic Field Guide
by Iain Campbell | April 11, 2014

© Iain CampbellI am old school. As a birder I have always much preferred plate based nature field guides with paintings rather than photos. For me there was just never any comparison between the highly illustrative paintings of the National Geographic and Sibley guides and the shabby images in books such as th...

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